Facilitating the introduction of circular entrepreneurship in the tourism & leisure sector
The Interreg 2 Seas project FACET aims to encourage entrepreneurs in the tourism sector to apply circular solutions within their businesses, in order to create sunstainable earning models. Together with partners from the Netherlands, Belgium, England and France, we are looking at circular applications in the field of accommodation, waste reduction and circular business operations.
Tourism plays a major role in the 2-sea area and will continue to grow. Although the demand for sustainable tourism is growing and some entrepreneurs are looking for circular solutions, the general approach in tourism remains linear, partly because entrepreneurs lack the knowledge on how to switch to the circular approach needed to ensure that tourism remains economically advantageous. The challenges of tourism in the 2 Seas are shared by all project regions, so a cross-border approach is the only way to address them efficiently.
FACET strives for circular solutions in the tourism sector by supporting entrepreneurs in the transition from linear to circular. This will be done by demonstrating solutions, so that entrepreneurs get knowledge and support in changing their business model. In this short animation we explain how this project works.
FACET and circularity on de Paardekreek
Tourists are constantly looking for new accommodations and new experiences, that's why the Paardekreek wants to build circular accommodations. With this we hope to meet the changing market. If the accommodation is rebuilt in ten years' time, the materials can be reused and if the accommodation does not meet the tourist's requirements in 20 years' time, it can be dismantled and the materials can be reused.
The project started in January 2020 and will run until September 2022. The Paardekreek hopes to be able to rent out the Dijksuites circular in April 2021.
Do you want to book for a period longer than 3 weeks? Contact in that case the camping itself directly by phone or email.